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Here I hope to keep people up to date with changes that are made to the page/downloads or provide some news with any upcoming projects that I have. 


Page Update

News Tab added to keep people up to date with any changes, new additions, and forthcoming projects.


Added Subscribe box


Reskin Updates

All three Class 59 reskins have been modified to include a more 3D looking nameplate. 


ARC Class 59 - updated to include correct coloured front, dirt textures, and number plate



ARC branded wagons for ARC Class 59


Removal of 37116 'Sister Dora' as this is now available with the Armstrong Powerhouse Class 37/0 download


Update to all Class 47 locomotives using a different model to give better textures



Class 59/1 Hanson/Arc to be updated with 3-link couplings. I hadn't realised initially that the DTG Class 59/2 was buckeye so there had been some issues with certain wagons. 

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